The NHS has been systematically weakened by a decade of austerity and further undermined by the Covid pandemic: now the private sector is beginning to encroach even further.

This book, written and edited by campaigners John Lister and Jacky Davis, explores how things have got this bad - warns they are getting worse - and discusses how to fight back.

Get access to all of the live links to references at https://tinyurl.com/4a6edv74

ORDER NOW from Merlin Press

Order your copy NOW

Health Campaigns Together

Since autumn 2015 London Health Emergency has been proud to have played a leading role in launching a new, wider, more active campaign -- Health Campaigns Together. HCT has proved its ability to lead and organise demonstrations, conference and campaigns. So after 35 years of separate activity, we want to thank all those who have continued to support us, but we will no longer be seeking separate affiliations or donations to LHE in 2019.

Instead we urge LHE's remaining loyal supporters to affiliate and donate to HCT at www.healthcampaignstogether.com.

Social Care conference a big success

Well over 100 people from all over England took part in the successful Reclaim Social Care conference called by Health Campaigns Together in Birmingham on November 17, in collaboration with the Socialist Health Association, the National Pensioners Convention and others.

More pictures and reports, along with background facts and info on social care, are available HERE.

June 30: tens of thousands celebrate and demonstrate for #OurNHS70

See HERE for a collection of news, video and pictures from the day

30 years ago - the first moves to marketise the NHS

As Tories, LibDems and some misguided academics back away from calls for proper funding of the NHS through general taxation and once more regurgitate the tired old call for a "hypothecated tax" to pay for the NHS - "perhaps replacing National Insurance" - it's time to remember some of the crazy formulae dreamt up by Backwoods Tory MPs back in 1988 as Margaret Thatcher commenced her "review" of the NHS ...

Read the full item, and other breaking news

Essential reading

NHS for Sale
Myths, Lies and Deception

by Jacky Davis, John Lister and David Wrigley

In 2010 David Cameron's coalition government discarded pre-election promises about the NHS. Instead they imposed savage spending cuts and pushed through 'reforms' which put at risk the health and lives of all of us. As a result the NHS is now in crisis.

NHS for Sale challenges their myths and lies:

  • The NHS is efficient and affordable and didn't need radical reform.
  • The private sector is not cheaper or more efficient than the public sector.
  • The government is privatising the NHS.
  • The NHS market is wasting billions of pounds while harming the service.
  • The coalition's Health and Social Care Act:

    Has not put GPs in the driving seat
    Has reduced patient choice
    Has reduced community control over healthcare priorities
    Has increased bureacracy and waste
NHS for Sale: Myths, Lies and Deception is a brilliant account of the shocking story of the Health and Social Care Act: how its true purpose was concealed from the electorate (with the assistance of the media asleep on the job), how it was sold to Parliament, and its appalling consequences ...   Reviewed in The Lancet

Further details here

Available at a special price directly from Keep Our NHS Public

The People's Inquiry website

A complete archived copy of the People's Inquiry into London's NHS website is now available here, including all submissions and background material.

Dissecting global health reforms

John Lister's book Health Policy Reform: Driving the Wrong Way, published in 2005, was hailed as "the definitive critique of market-oriented health care 'reforms' that the World Bank has been promoting at least since 1993".

This latest work, Health Policy Reform: Global Health versus Private Profit is a completely revised and restructured analysis of health policy in which John Lister brings his critique of health policy up-to-date. He continues to question whether the major 'reforms' which have been, and are still being, introduced are driven primarily by the health needs of the wider population or, in fact, by nonhealth considerations - the financial and political concerns of governments and global institutions.

Read further details here

Click here for video of John Lister speaking to launch the book

Interactive Hospital Millions game

NEW Cronyvirus 2020 Edition

A FREE exciting interactive board game

With government warnings against families and friends playing board games or card games this Christmas, Health Campaigns Together brings you the ideal holiday game for up to 4 players.

We have brought the original 2013 Classic game up to date, playing without limits for hugely increased sums of money. The new board features all the latest forms of privatisation on offer, as well as some old favourites, for those brave or unscrupulous enough to cash in.

It's the ONLY safe way to privatise the NHS!

Just plug in or bluetooth link your laptop to a TV, add in the names of players, agree who will operate the computer, and enjoy a socially distanced and exciting interactive board game of investment and shameless speculation.

Make sure the sound is switched on!

Click here to play the game

“I never knew apps could work this well” – Ms D. Harding, Newmarket

“This world-beating game is only possible because of Brexit” – J-R. Mogg, Somerset

Still available:

Hospital Millions: Classic Edition

Created in 2013 by John and Paul Lister, and featured in Health Emergency issue 72.

Play Hospital Millions on your computer, with up to four players.

The interactive Board game of investment and shameless speculation is fun and educational.

“I never knew privatisation could be such fun” – J. Hunt, Surrey

“Only an idiot wouldn’t like this. I hated it.” – D. Davis, Brussels

Make sure the sound is switched on!

Click here to play the classic game

Health journalism resources

to assist health journalists, working journalists, journalism students, editors and publishers.

Top up your specialist skills and knowledge!

Training materials on a wide range of health reporting issues, available free online

Download a leaflet here, explaining the EU-funded project that developed the resources.

Please also tell us what you think of the material and any other issues you would like to see covered.

Current and back issues of Health Emergency

Election Special
April 2015

Issue 72
January 2013

Issue 71
Spring 2012

Issue 70
Special edition
Spring 2011

Issue 68/69
Autumn 2010

Issue 67
Spring 2010


Copyright © 2024 London Health Emergency